Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nighttime routines, flu shots, dancing

Happy new week to all. We had a busy weekend which included getting Nate and Ella their first round of H1N1 vaccinations on Saturday -- quite a relief to get that taken care of. Like most people in the country, we have had a tough time finding the vaccine. This afternoon we attended an auction/fundraiser to support Super-Nanny Lindsay, and we had a great time.

Here are some pictures taken just tonight from the evening routine. At the end of this post you'll find a video from a couple of days ago of Nate and Ella mildly dancing (you should see 'em when they really get going.)

Ella in the tub:

Daddy gives Nate a goodnight bottle:

Teeth brushin' ... we actually brush their teeth for them, but sometimes they give it a shot themselves:

Here's video of Nate and Ella getting down:

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