Sunday, August 2, 2009

A tough week, but we made it through

Between the record heat and some sicknesses, it was a challenging last few days. Thankfully we managed to wrangle an air conditioner, the weather has cooled a bit, and both Nate and Ella seem to be feeling better. Nate was particulary sick last night, and ended up making his first ER visit early this morning with a bad cough and general discomfort. Fortunately it looks like just a bad cold, but we wanted to get him checked out. Again, glad to report he is feeling better later today.

On the bright side, we've been dogsitting for our good friends Sara and Don this weekend. Molly has been doing a great job "guarding" Nate and Ella. She is a very sweet dog and the kids love her.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I think Molly was hoping this was a permanent adoption. Ever since we brought her back home she seems mildly depressed.