Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dad Dave weighs in

Hi everybody, is this cool or what? I'm not much of a blogger but I definitely want to share what's going on as Karin and I prepare for the arrival of Twin A and Twin B!

So today I fine-tuned our list of all the gear we're going to need. It's 2 1/2 pages long with pretty small type! Kind of daunting, but also exciting. I feel like we're a bit on hold until we learn our babies' genders, hopefully sometime in the next week or so.

OK so now I am not sure what to write and Karin is saying "Be funny!" Now she is saying, "Get rid of that!" I will keep practicing being more interesting. I am trying to talk Karin into letting me take a picture of her pregnant tummy to post, so stay tuned on that.


Kymberly said...

YAY! Bring on the belly pics!

Daniel Kelley-Petersen said...


I can totally relate! Meg and I just started the registry process at Babies R Us. It can be a bit overwhelming, but that's why you are there. To keep Karin stable, happy, and not freaking out! That's what I did and it worked!