Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ella & Nate Turn 9 Months; Plus: Moving Week

Just a quick note to mark Nate and Ella's 9-month birthday today. They are doing great, currently sleeping while Mommy and Daddy continue packing boxes. We signed papers today on the sale of our condo and the purchase of our new house. More updates to come!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ella & Nate's First Baseball Game

Despite the Seattle Mariners' 5-3 loss to Boston last night, Nate and Ella had a blast during their first trip to Safeco Field. They were accompanied by Mommy and Daddy, in addition to Uncle Kevin, cousin Jess, Aunt Karen and Uncle Ron. The latter three tried to convince the twins to join the Red Sox nation, but no dice (K).

Ella soaks up the sun with Uncle Kevin:

We love Aunt Karen and Uncle Ron, but we won't cheer for the Red Sox! Go Mariners!

Nate takes it all in:

Jessica and Ella contemplate the Mariners' starting rotation:

'Go M's!'

Ella with Mommy Karin:

Ella sports her Ichiro shirt and jeans:

In perhaps the best moment of the night, Ella actually TAUNTS SOME RED SOX FANS!

Father and son:

The ninth inning. At least we didn't lose to the Yankees:

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Wishes To All

Karin has celebrated her first Mother's Day as on official mom today! Unfortunately she is declining to be photographed at the moment, but perhaps she will blog later on the experience. It has been fun for me, too, though it will always be a hard day as well as I miss my own mom a lot! Much love to all the great moms out there.

Here are a few pics of the babies from today ...

Nate: Here I am!
Ella: Grrrrr

Same shot, less perturbed Ella:

Happy Nate (in shorts!)

Happy Ella(in jeans)!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Trip to Oregon

Karin, Nate, Ella and I made a quick visit to Oregon over the weekend to visit Aunt Karen, Uncle Ron and cousin Jess. We had a fun time and the kids did great. Here are a few of the photos we took:

Ron and Nate:

Karen and Ella:

Jess and Nate:

Dave and Ella:

The twins: