Thursday, July 31, 2008

Final preparations under way ...

No, not for the Olympics ... for the arrival of the babies! Here, two stunt doubles test the crib for baby monitor placement.

Exclusive First Pictures

Dave and I are thinking about selling the first pictures of our twins to the highest bidder. Hopefully People and OK! magazines will duke it out for a nice cover shot.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Diabetes School

Today I graduated from Diabetes School at the hospital. If you haven't already heard, I have been officially diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was pretty discouraged at first, however the class I took today was very helpful and reassuring. I learned how to take my blood sugar today, that was weird! I have seen so many diabetics at work do it - but it's funny to poke yourself! It will take some getting used to. Maybe I'll make Dave do it. I have plenty of opportunities to practice as I have to poke myself 4 times per day. Next week there is a "post-grad" class where the nurse will look at our readings for the week. Hopefully I will be in good shape so I won't have to go on any meds or take insulin! Thankfully I will only be a diabetic for about a month. Half the class were girls pregnant with twins! The nurse explained it we get GD so easily since we have more hormones surging through our bodies. Tell me about it.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

"How come your tummy is so big?"

Dave here. A few nights ago we visited our good friends the Mirkins. They have twin girls who are now five years old, plus a baby boy who is 10 months.

It was an interesting visit. One of their little girls asked, "How come your tummy is so big?" Which was fine, except she WASN'T TALKING TO KARIN, SHE WAS TALKING TO ME. Guess I better take this daddy weight thing seriously. But all kidding aside, it was a fun time.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

3 hour test update

Did it. I actually only had to drink one Glucola drink (yay)...but then had four blood draws (boo).

Monday, July 21, 2008

I hate 3 hour Glucola tests.

So, I flunked my 1 hour gestational diabetes test. On Wednesday I take the three hour test....flunking this test will give me an official dx. (Although the nurse told me I can flunk 1 hour, pass 2 and still PASS!) Basically Wednesday morning involves a 10 hour fast, numerous blood draws, and 3 delicious Glucola drinks. Glucola is like extreme Kool Aid - the first sip isn't so bad, but it's terrible to drink the whole bottle (which you have to do in 5 minutes BTW, no stalling).
I read Angelina Jolie had GD with her twins. Having multiples automatically puts you at a higher risk for all pregnancy complications, including GD. I am already sort of eating like I have the dx already, its rough. I wanted a coke so bad today.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Conscious Fatherhood Class: "You WILL Get Pee-ed On"

Wow, it has been a while since I have posted. Just been really busy getting ready for the big arrival. There is always more to do, but Karin and I are feeling pretty good about how much we've got done. Put the first crib together on Sunday and will try to post some pictures soon.

So a while back, I took a "Conscious Fathering" class at the local hospital. Twenty dudes in a room, each with a little baby doll. I learned about things like feeding, burping, changing, swaddling, getting pee-ed on, etc. Good class! Fact is, I haven't been around that many little babies, much less gotten to take care of them.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Weighing In

The twins got an estimated weight at their ultrasound on Tuesday. Our girl is 2 lb 11oz (the normal weight for 28 weeks). Our boy is 3 lb 11oz! Since our girl is of normal weight my doctor is not concerned that her brother is 28% bigger than her. However, I am going to start seeing the Dr. every week now. We'll see if I flunk my glucose test. (My Dr. thinks it's possible baby boy is so big because of gestational diabetes! :( ) If that is the case I will have to modify my diet. No fun.
Dave is wondering if we have a future Seahawk on our hands after all.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Baby Shower

My sister-in-law Erin threw me a lovely baby shower last weekend. She made these amazing "diaper cakes" for the twins. So cute...I never want to take them apart!